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    > About GUPUS > 인사말


    • VSU 총장
    • 대표 인사말

    Founded in 1906 as a teacher training college for the state of Georgia, Valdosta State University has grown into a modern university with a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, including several doctoral degree concentrations, research and training facilities, and outreach programs with significant impact within the region and beyond.

    The international dimension of our academic exchanges has always been a vibrant connection with the global community.

    Our nearly 12,000-member student body includes representatives of more than 60 countries; similar diversity is reflected amongst our faculty members.

    What makes VSU distinctive is the strong focus on quality student – centered learning, undergraduate research, and personal growth in a supportive community engagement.

    All international students are integral part of this process.

    Valdosta State University welcomes the academic partnership with NanJing University and Valdosta Korea Center as an opportunity to join in a global collaborative effort to serve our students and our communities for a better tomorrow.

    Bill McKinney
    Valdosta State University
